Blue wallpaper with exotic flowers and leaves, 118616, Envy
The world is full of colors and even the collection of eco-friendly non-woven wallpapers called Envy shows this colorful world.
In the wallpaper collection you will find wallpapers with the motif of colorful flowers with tropical leaves, exotic flowers with parrots and butterflies, but also retro geometric patterns in interesting pastel colors.
Wallpapers are suitable for all interiors, you can use them in the living room, bedroom, but many patterns can also be placed in the children's room.
These wallpapers are made of ecological material - pulp. Their big advantage is easy installation, when you only paint the wall with glue and attach the wallpaper to the wall. Their removal from the wall is just as simple. You can read how easy it is to install non-woven wallpaper here.
The primer of the wall is very important, which ensures that the adhesive will perform its function properly and the wallpaper will stick well on the wall. During the wallpapering itself, it is necessary to maintain a constant temperature of around 20 °C and above all not to ventilate for at least another 48 hours, even if it seems to you that the room is damp. The glue simply needs its time to slowly dry completely.