Not sure when choosing the right wallpaper? We will be happy to send you wallpaper sample for free. Just click on the Free Sample icon next to each wallpaper detail. If you wish to select more than one sample, select the "continue selection" option. Once you have selected all the wallpaper samples you would like to order, fill in the form that automatically appears for each sample selection - your address where we should send the sample and your email or phone number so we can contact you if necessary. For the vast majority of wallpapers we are able to provide a sample, but due to the breadth of our range of 10,000 wallpapers we may not have a sample available. If, in exceptional cases, this situation arises, we apologise profusely.
For technical reasons we are unable to send samples of wall murals, wallpaper panels and digitally printed wallpapers (custom wallpaper production).
We will send you up to 5 wallpaper samples free of charge, each additional sample is charged 0,25 Euro + postage (depending on the country of delivery).

We get a lot of requests for samples, so expect us to send your samples within 10 days. Thank you for your understanding